
Celebrating life through death, a memorial tree is a gift to future generations. Trees will be planted as close as possible to plots, but due to the nature of the site (and the requirements of the individual tree species) this may not always be possible.

You may select from:

Bird Cherry (Prunus padus)

Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris)

Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)

Silver Birch (Betula pendula)

Wild Cherry (Prunus avium)

Field Maple (Acer Campestre)

Although the above species will comprise the majority of plantings at Acorn Ridge, it may be that you would ideally like a different type of tree? Please let us know if this is the case, and we will be happy to discuss your requirements with you.

Trees are sourced from a local specialist and planted at the most appropriate time of the year for the particular species. They do not have to be purchased at the time of burial or interment, and you are very welcome to assist with the actual planting. Acorn Ridge will supply, plant and maintain the tree as part of the purchase cost. Each tree is guaranteed for a period of ten years, and will gradually be as one with the whole of the burial ground.