Frequently asked questions

Q My loved one has not be interred at Acorn Ridge – is it still possible to purchase a memorial item for them?
A Yes, of course. There have been several occurrences where family members are situated a long way from a loved one’s final resting place, or the interment has taken place at a church graveyard, for example. We understand that it can be a great comfort to be able to visit with a reminder of your loved one (for example a memorial tree, bench or stone marker) even if they have not been interred at Acorn Ridge.

Q Can I plant bulbs at Acorn Ridge?
A Yes, you can. Please take a look here for more information.

Q What does ‘exclusive rights’ mean?
A Simply put, this means that a licence is granted which ensures your plot will not be reused for a period of 30 years. The licence is extendable after this time.

Q Will the burial plot I purchase ever be reused?
A Although very unlikely, this is a possibility. Please take a look at the ‘Legal issues and embalming’ page.

Q Can I access the burial ground outside of working hours?
A Yes, you will be provided with the combination to open the gates. Please remember that as the site is unlit, extra care must be taken in poor light. We respectfully ask you to ensure that the gate is securely fastened when you leave.

Q I don’t know which Funeral Director to use – can you help me to choose?
A Whilst we cannot recommend a particular Funeral Director, our links page will soon contain details of companies which are aware of or have arranged funerals at Acorn Ridge.

Q Can my pets be buried with me?
A Yes, providing your pet has been cremated and a suitably biodegradable container is used.

Q Can I be buried with my loved one when I die?
A Yes, you can. When you first purchase a plot, you will be asked whether you require a single or double depth grave. After your death, the grave can be reopened to accommodate your burial.

Q How do I know that the future of Acorn Ridge is safe?
A When the owners of Acorn Ridge retire or die, the site will be passed to their daughters. Should the burial ground ever cease to operate or reach maximum capacity, it will be set aside as a nature reserve.

Q Do I have to use a Funeral Director, or can I make all of the arrangements myself?
A Many people opt to make all of the arrangements themselves, particularly if a simple ceremony has been chosen. There are several publications that can help you with decision making at this time. Other people prefer to entrust the arrangements to a Funeral Director.

Q When I visit Acorn Ridge, can I bring my dog onto the site?
A Yes, this is perfectly acceptable, provided you keep them on a lead and under close control at all times. It is very important that you clean up any mess your pet makes. Please remember that there are no rubbish bins available.

Q What made you decide to open Acorn Ridge?
A Having attended a variety of funerals for family and friends over the years, we were struck by the way many traditional cemeteries were not the welcoming, peaceful places we felt they should be. Often badly maintained and overcrowded, they seemed to have a ‘conveyor belt’ feel about them. We wanted to create a tranquil, open space where death could be celebrated, and the bereaved are comfortable to spend time with their loved ones in harmony with nature. We hope we have achieved our aim.